Thursday, March 20, 2014

AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink Mix

AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink Mix 
Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement

• Enhances mental energy and focus*
• Provides support for long-lasting energy*
• Helps fight occasional drowsiness*
• 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients
• Sugar-free and only 45 calories
• Helps reduce free radicals*

• Someone who has trouble waking up or feels "energy slumps" throughout the day
• Someone who can't work up enough energy to live life the way you want
• Someone who is looking for a more nutritious alternative to coffee, soda or other energy drinks
In today's fast-paced environment, it doesn't take much to cause your body and your mind to simply run out of steam. When you're low 
on energy, usually every facet of your life suffers to some degree. Low-energy levels are often precursors to poor weight management, 
increased mental and physical stress, and much more. Most of us don't eat like we should or exercise enough – many times because 
we are too tired at the end of the day to dedicate 30 minutes or more to exercise. Furthermore, we often look to popular choices like 
soda and coffee drinks as a quick source of energy, though they are often high in sugar and calories. And even though they might 
provide the quick bolt of energy we're looking for, it disappears just as quickly, usually lasting no more than 30 minutes. Experience 
shows that when you increase your energy, you're often more likely to improve your overall health. For peak performance and vibrant 
health, we need sustained and focused energy. Poor diets, lack of physical activity and the demands of our everyday lifestyle can drain 
our energy, promote weight gain and lead to a variety of negative physical conditions. What we need is an energy drink that is quick to 
respond, long lasting, and not full of sugar and calories.
THE SOLUTION: AdvoCare Spark® 
AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink Mix is a unique multi-nutrient system that was developed as a nutritional source of energy and enhanced 

Available in Watermelon, Mango Strawberry, Pink Lemonade, Mandarin Orange, Fruit Punch, Grape, Citrus and Cherry
Offered in pouches and canisters
Our #1 seller
The most nutritionally advanced energy drink on the market
Sugar-free, long-lasting energy*
Surprisingly fast-acting*
Contains 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients designed to synergistically provide a healthy, balanced source of energy*
Just 45 calories per serving
Sharpens mental focus*

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